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What to do After a Beginner’s Strength Training Program

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Someone emailed me asking what they could do after a beginner’s strength training routine no longer works for them (that is, they are not capable of increasing the weight on the bar as fast as they could before when starting out). Eventually, all beginners will progress into an “intermediate stage”. This is when the body needs more volume per period to stimulate the nervous system.

The next step in the series of books I recommend is called “Practical Programming for Strength Training” by an infamous coach. It’s available on Amazon or the book’s website.

Please note that the above is an opinion and a recommendation/review on a book I have read. This site and its content has nothing to do with Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore or The Aasgard Company.

Book Review: Starting Strength, 3rd Edition Released

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Looks like the 3rd Edition of the book is out. If you never bought the first or second edition, what are you waiting for? 🙂

Reading the comments on Amazon’s page, I think there’s a major improvement in the illustrations of the book, along with certain explanations being rewritten to be more clear and concise. This holiday, you should do someone a favour and get them the new book and DVD together!

Strength Training is Still the King

Saturday, June 19th, 2010

It’s been a long-ass time since my last update, and most of you out there think that I have disappeared for good. This is not the case, as I still make sure this site is up and running for everyone to see. There’s not much for me to say to be honest, hence the lack of updates (“If you’ve got nothing to say, don’t say jack”). I still train three times a week and grow stronger by doing so. My lift records aren’t world-breaking, but they’re definitely my own personal bests. In any case, I felt I would rework the site a bit and clean it up by the end of this month if time permits. No promises, but I’ll do my best to organize everything to be much clearer.

Recommended DVD for Strength Training

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Looks like there is a great DVD out there for beginners in strength training. Mark Rippetoe did it again, and this time he released a Starting Strength DVD to teach everyone out there on the core lifts. If the book wasn’t interesting enough for you, then check out the DVD. Mind you, you should still pick up the DVD to further gain knowledge in the world of strength training even if you read all his books. I know I will be picking this up for sure. Amazon currently has the item listed, but low on stock. Update: it’s back in stock.

The Starting Strength Wiki is Growing

Friday, November 7th, 2008

Looks like the Starting Strength Wiki has grown quite a bit from the last time I checked it out. I suggest everyone to take a look, as it has loads of articles to read. Also, in true wiki fashion, you can contribute and help the site expand.