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What to do After a Beginner’s Strength Training Program

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

Someone emailed me asking what they could do after a beginner’s strength training routine no longer works for them (that is, they are not capable of increasing the weight on the bar as fast as they could before when starting out). Eventually, all beginners will progress into an “intermediate stage”. This is when the body needs more volume per period to stimulate the nervous system.

The next step in the series of books I recommend is called “Practical Programming for Strength Training” by an infamous coach. It’s available on Amazon or the book’s website.

Please note that the above is an opinion and a recommendation/review on a book I have read. This site and its content has nothing to do with Mark Rippetoe, Lon Kilgore or The Aasgard Company.

Still Alive & Progressing Into the Intermediate Stage

Friday, March 14th, 2008

Hey everyone, I’m still here and alive. I have been training non-stop and enjoying every minute of it. I have now progressed into the Intermediate stage of strength training, as Rippetoe’s Starting Strength routine was no longer effective (I have been following it for over a year and a half mind you). The gains I have achieved with the beginner program were phenomenal, and I have been grateful for finding about the routine at the right time. I have been reading Practical Programming for Strength Training for a while now and it’s great stuff. I am learning way too much to list about it in this small post, so I encourage everyone to grab a copy and check it out for themselves instead of waiting for me to spill the beans. 🙂 I recently found out that Mark Rippetoe released another book back in November, titled Strong Enough? Thoughts from Thirty Years of Barbell Training. I will be ordering it very soon alongside my fractional plates for micro-loading.

For those who are curious, I am following Bill Starr’s 5×5 program, featured on Madcow’s site.